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Displaying 1–4 of 4 Results

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CE Webinar „Prosty i powtarzalny sposób odbudowy anatomicznego punktu stycznego.”

lek. dent. Sebastian Płotkowski
„Webinar poruszający tematykę odbudowy bezpośredniej prawidłowego punktu stycznego w ubytkach kl. II.
Jak sprawić, żeby odbudowy ubytków na powierzchniach stycznych były proste i powtarzalne.
Jak uniknąć typowych błędów podczas pracy z systemami formówek sekcyjnych.

Webinar poruszy następujące tematy:
1. Niezbędne instrumentarium, czyli jak się nie zakopać w sprzęcie i akcesoriach.
2. Prawidłowa preparacja ubytków klasy drugiej – zarys ubytku, a minimalna inwazja.
3. Procedura adhezyjna – kiedy ją przeprowadzamy i dlaczego przed pozycjonowaniem matrycy.
Start Date/Time
Thursday, Dec. 5 @ 2:30pm
Duration (minutes)
CDE Hours

CE Webinar Deep Margin Elevation for the General Dentist: A hands-on experience. 12/6/24

Dr. JD Corey
Please contact for information on future dates.
Start Date/Time
Friday, Dec. 6 @ 11:00am
Duration (minutes)
CDE Hours
AGD Code

CE Webinar The Gift of Self-Care: Demystifying Balancing Our Lives - 12/10/24

Dr. Sheri Doniger
As professionals, we are expected to be in control of all aspects of our lives inside and outside of the office. Aside from being a dentist, we have a plethora of roles that extend beyond our working day from dentist to partner to caregiver to parent/mediator, with many other things in between. We have many people counting on us. Through discussion, this seminar will enlighten the participant on ways to take care of the most important (and most overlooked) person in our lives: Ourselves.
Start Date/Time
Tuesday, Dec. 10 @ 8:00pm
Duration (minutes)
CDE Hours
AGD Code

CE Webinar Building Resilience in Dental Practices: Addressing Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout - 2/18/25

Jackie Cooper, Dip CHyp, HPD, Master NLP Practitioner
In the demanding world of dentistry, stress, anxiety, and burnout can impact both individuals and teams. This webinar, Building Resilience in Dental Practices: Addressing Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout for a Happier, Healthier Team, equips dental professionals with practical strategies to manage mental well-being, break down the stigma around mental health, and foster resilience in the workplace. Learn how to identify common stressors, improve team dynamics, and create a positive organizational culture that enhances productivity and supports a thriving, happier practice.
Start Date/Time
Tuesday, Feb. 18 @ 8:00pm
Duration (minutes)
CDE Hours
AGD Code